Typeform Configuration

Configuring the application to read Typeform surveys consists of various steps detailed next:

  • Create the survey in Typeform
  • Create a notification by email for the survey. The email must have this subject:
    • surveyid is the internal identifier assigned by Typeform
    • surveyurl is the url of the survey

  • Configure Email Converter in the application so it can read the Typeform notifications

  • Configure the Typeform API access key in Settings > Configuration Editor
  • That's it, with those two changes, coreBOSCRM will receive an email each time a survey is completed and it will be registered in the application.
  • Now you can create workflows associated to the creation event of the different records to have the system act upon them.

Typeform Implementation

  • Read surveyid from mail subject
  • Read typeform json
  • If survey doesn't exist > create it with stats and info
  • If it exists > update stats
  • Foreach questions > upsert
  • Foreach responses
    • Get ACL and email
    • Attach email to ACL
    • Check if done
    • If exists > ignore
    • If not > create with meta data
    • Foreach answer > create answer
    • Update lastsync datetime

TBD FIXME: Check all this, document it!

  • Limitation. Only works with existing ACL. ??? Really, no anonymous surveys ??? ######

Next | Chapter 10: Integration with Sabre/DAV WebDAV
