Learn how to configure coreBOS and Shopify to work together.



GET/POST information from coreBOS to Shopify and from Shopify to coreBOS

GET/POST information (products,accounts,orders)from coreBOS to Shopify and from Shopify to coreBOS

This document explains how to successfully call the Shopify API with coreBOS in order to get or post information. The first thing you need before receiving or submitting information to Shopify is the URL of Shopify from the client and the access token.

The access token can be generated by following the steps in this link

To get information from Shopify, you will need the specific id of the account or product stored in Shopify for example: if you want to get an account from Shopify into coreBOS you need to have an account id and then you can get the data of that account.

Identification of the Endpoint Admin REST API endpoints are organized by resource type. You’ll need to use different endpoints depending on your app’s requirements.

Version API Shopify releases a new API version every 3 months at the beginning of the quarter. Version names are date-based to be meaningful and semantically unambiguous

Endpoint: All Admin REST API endpoints follow this pattern: https://{store_name}.myshopify.com/admin/api/{versionAPI}/ {resource}.json
Access Token: The access token can be generated by following the steps in this link

Webservice mapping

Get Products from Shopify to coreBOS

The Product resource lets you update and create products in a store. Every product has a unique ID. Each id is unique across the Shopify system. No two products will have the same id. To retrieve a product from Shopify you need to store this id in a field and use it whenever you want. Besides the ID you also need the access token to generate the products.

Purpose: Retrieve a product from Shopify to coreBOS
WS Name: Get products
Type: Get
Target Module: Products
Parameters: Header: X-Shopify-Access-Token : {access_token}
Content-Type : application/json
Body:To retrieve the product from Shopify you need the id of the product. This id is stored in a corebos field. To use it you need to copy the value of the field in the variable in the URL.
Response:You need to map the response fields,that you want to update from Shopify, with the relevant fields of your coreBOS1).
URL Format https://{store_name}.myshopify.com/admin/api/{versionAPI}/ {resource}.json


 Access Token : your_super_secret_key 
 Format : https://yourshop.myshopify.com/admin/api/2022-04/products/$prod_id
 The value of the variable prod_id is taken with the following code

Response example:

Shopify Field coreBOS Field Description Mandatory Type of field Example
product.title productname Product Name Yes varchar Rosé Charmat
product.body_html description A short description of the product No varchar Vino rosato spumante - CLIENTI DIRETTI
product.product_type productcategory The product category No varchar Spumanti

Get Customers from Shopify to coreBOS

The Customer resource lets you update and create customers in a store. Every customer has a unique ID. Each id is unique across the Shopify system. No two customers will have the same id. To retrieve a customer from Shopify you need to store this id in a field and use it whenever you want. Besides the ID you also need the access token to generate the customers.

Purpose: Retrieve a customer from Shopify to coreBOS
WS Name: Get customer
Type: Get
Target Module: Organizations
Parameters: Header: X-Shopify-Access-Token : {access_token}
Content-Type : application/json
Body:To retrieve the customers from Shopify you need the id of the customer. This id is stored in a corebos field. To use it you need to copy the value of the field in the variable in the URL.
Response:You need to map the response fields,that you want to update from Shopify, with the relevant fields of your coreBOS1).
URL Format https://{store_name}.myshopify.com/admin/api/{versionAPI}/ {resource}.json


Example Access Token : your_super_secret_key 
Format : https://yourshop.myshopify.com/admin/api/2022-04/customers/$clientid
The value of the variable clientid is taken with the following code

Response example:

Shopify Field coreBOS Field Description Mandatory Type of field Example
customer.email email1 Customer Emai Yes varchar Rosé Charmatt
customer.last_name accountname Account Name No varchar Vino rosato spumante - CLIENTI DIRETTI
customer.phone phone Customer Phone No varchar Spumanti
customer.addresses.0.address1 ship_street The customer address No varchar Via Regina 33
customer.addresses.0.city ship_city The customer address No varchar Porto Picena
customer.addresses.0.province ship_state The customer address No varchar MC
customer.addresses.0.country ship_country The customer address No varchar Australia
customer.addresses.0.zip ship_code The customer address No varchar 6558

Get Orders

The Orders resource lets you update and create orders in a store. Every order has a unique ID. Each id is unique across the Shopify system. No two orders will have the same id. To retrieve an order from Shopify you need to store this id in a field and use it whenever you want. Besides the ID you also need the access token to generate the products. This webservice will be a little different from the others due to the fact that we have related modules and information that will be stored in both modules. To do this, a workflow must be created which will perform an upsert to the related module. The upsert_data variable is used to store the ws response with the corresponding field.

Example of the wf:


The upsert task:


Purpose: Retrieve an order from Shopify to coreBOS
WS Name: Get order
Type: Get
Target Module: Organizations
Parameters: Header: X-Shopify-Access-Token : {access_token}
Content-Type : application/json
Body:To retrieve the order from Shopify you need the id of the order. This id is stored in a corebos field. To use it you need to copy the value of the field in the variable in the URL.
Response:You need to map the response fields,that you want to update from Shopify, with the relevant fields of your coreBOS1).
URL Format https://{store_name}.myshopify.com/admin/api/{versionAPI}/ {resource}.json


Access Token : your_super_secret_key
URL Format : https://yourshop.myshopify.com/admin/api/2022-04/orders/$order_id 
The value of the variable clientid is taken with the following code

Response example:

Shopify Field coreBOS Field Description Mandatory Type of field
order.id getorederresponse Order ID No varchar
order.line_items upsert_data A variable that store the ws response field Yes varchar

Send Products to Shopify

Unlike the Get method, the Post method has a different format. It has the same header structure, with the content-type and access token, but it also has a body structure. To send a product from coreBOS to Shopify you must map the fields you want to send from coreBOS to the fields that are in Shopify. Be careful with mandatory fields!

Purpose: Send products information from coreBOS to Shopify, Create a new product
WS Name: Post products
Type: Post
Target Module: Products
Parameters: Header: X-Shopify-Access-Token : {access_token}
Content-Type : application/json
Body:The product information that you want to send eg:
 {   "product":{   
   "title":"Burton Custom Freestyle 151",   
   "body_html":"Good snowboard!",  
  "product_type":"Snowboard"   }}
URL Format https://{store_name}.myshopify.com/admin/api/{versionAPI}/ {resource}.json

Send Customers to Shopify

To send a customer from coreBOS to Shopify you must map the fields you want to send from coreBOS to the fields that are in Shopify. Be careful with mandatory fields!

Purpose: Send customers information from coreBOS to Shopify, Create a new customer
WS Name: Post customer
Type: Post
Target Module: Organizations
Parameters: Header: X-Shopify-Access-Token : {access_token}
Content-Type : application/json
Body:The customer information that you want to send eg: 
{   "customer":{ 
"addresses":[ { 
 "address1":"123 Oak St",
"zip":"123 ABC"}]}}
URL Format https://{store_name}.myshopify.com/admin/api/{versionAPI}/ {resource}.json

Send SalesOrder to Shopify

An order is a customer's request to purchase one or more products from a shop. You can create, retrieve, update, and delete orders using the Order resource. To send an order from coreBOS to Shopify you must map the fields you want to send from coreBOS to the fields that are in Shopify. Be careful with mandatory fields! The creation of a new order has a different structure from the others because it is not only fields from SalesOrder that must be sent, but also fields from related modules. Therefore, besides the web service mapping, you will also need another map of the Mapping type to make a relation of the corebos fields that you must send with the shopify fields.


  • Type: Mapping
  • Map name: Workflow_InventoryDetails2ShopifyOrder
  • Target module: InventoryDetails

Fields map:

Shopify Field coreBOS Field Description Type of field Example
name usageunit Order name varchar Rosé Charmatt
variant_id inventorydetails_no Order ID varchar Vino rosato spumante - CLIENTI DIRETTI
quantity quantity Quantity of products NN Spumanti
price listprice Price NN Via Regina 33
title description A short description varchar Porto Picena

WS Mapping:

Purpose: Send orders information from coreBOS to Shopify, Create a new order
WS Name: Post orders
Type: Post
Target Module: SalesOrder, related to InvontoryDetails
Parameters: Header: X-Shopify-Access-Token : {access_token}
Content-Type : application/json
Body:The order information that you want to send eg:
 {   "order":{   
   "line_items":[ {       
      "title":" Prosecco DOC Treviso extra dry - CLIENTI DIRETTI" }]}}
URL Format https://{store_name}.myshopify.com/admin/api/{versionAPI}/ {resource}.json